Employee wages in the Netherlands

Below you will find two examples of salary calculations for employees of a Dutch company. One table explains the salary for a minimum wage employee, the other for the average wage in the Netherlands. Both are estimations, based on a flexible contract.
These tables are meant to be an esstimated, no rights can be derived from this

Minimum salary 2020

Gross monthly average wage (> 21 years old)


Gross annual wages


Holiday pay


Employee insurance


Healthcare insurance contribution




Extra labor costs compared to gross wages



Average salary 2020

Gross monthly average wage (> 21 years old)


Gross annual wages


Holiday pay


Employee insurance


Healthcare insurance contribution




Extra labor costs compared to gross wages



If you want to know the difference between your gross and net wage and find out what you will keep in the end, we recommend you this tool.

Most employers will want to know the actual costs of an employee. We recommend you this tool to calculate the total costs of having an employee.