I want to set up a food truck business in the Netherlands


What are the key steps for setting up a sole proprietorship food truck business in the Netherlands, starting with just one truck and no employees?


It can make sense to set up a sole proprietorship (often called ZZP or eenmanszaak). Once your business grows you can simply transfer the eenmanszaak/ZZP into a new BV, so you still keep the track record of what you have done in your eenmanszaak. Happy to help you once you arrive at that point.
As a one-man company / ZZP and from what I understand you are doing, you could consider the following things:

Registration of eenmanszaak

You need to be a resident of the Netherlands in order to register an eenmanszaak. You can make an appointment at the chamber of commerce here.

Registration costs 81 euros.

  • You will make an appointment for registration by logging in through the link above. Go to your local kvk and register the company.
  • With the kvk number you can open a bank account. 
  • After registration, you will automatically apply for a VAT number at the tax authorities. 

Business Licences License requirements vary by municipality. Apply for a Market Trader’s Licence (standplaatsvergunning) from your local municipal authority. Check specific requirements with event organizers, which may include assortment, payment types, commission, safety, and liability measures.

Bank account

There are several bank you could contact to open a bank account for your company:

More information on opening a business bank account in this guide.

Legal compliance & Business Licences

There could be some legal documents that are wise to have. You can find an overview here. Please contact me for more advice about this.

  • License requirements vary by municipality.
  • Apply for a Market Trader’s Licence (standplaatsvergunning) from your local municipal authority.
  • Check specific requirements with event organizers, which may include assortment, payment types, commission, safety, and liability measures.

Food Safety and Hygiene

Adhere to HACCP guidelines. More information here.

Procure hygiene code from Horeca Nederland.

More info here.

Admin services

We can make you a quote for doing your administration and tax returns. You can find all the information in this guide. Or you can request a quote here.

Insurance for a ZZP

Most self-employed entrepreneurs in the Netherlands should take out liability insurance, but depending on your situation, also other specific insurances can be wise. Our insurance partner can make sure you take out the right insurance(s).

Follow this link to get a quote (you need to be registered with the kvk). There are several other insurance providers for small businesses such as Yezzer and Insify.

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